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Info [CS1.6] Kolejna aktualizacja 1.6


Kolejna aktualizacja 1.6
Jakiś czas temu, Valve wydała dużą aktualizację dziadka 1.6. Pośrednio związana ona była z wypuszczeniem gry na platformę Linux i była to pierwsza próba poprawienia czegokolwiek w grze. Zmiany mają jednak to do siebie, że poza usunięciem starych błędów, powodują powstawanie nowych, a z nowych warunków gry, które przy okazji powstają, nie zawsze zadowoleni są gracze.Z wymienionych powodów, autorzy postanowili naprawić szkody, poprawiając błędy oraz wycofując się z niektórych zmian. To dobry krok ze strony Valve. Lista zmian poniżej (w wersji angielskiej).

Główne zmiany CS 1.6

-Returned mouse input to using windows messages rather than raw input by default, this should correct the sensitivity change people have seen.

-Added a "Raw Input" checkbox in the Mouse tab of the Options dialog. This button toggles the "m_rawinput" cvar. If selected raw input API's will be used to get mouse input, usually with lower latency but missing the post processing from your OS's Window manager.

-Added a "Low video quality" option in the Video tab of the Options dialog. Use this check box if you have an older GPU and want to trade off visual quality for FPS.

-Re-enabled a fps cap of 100. You can override this behavior if you want to run faster by setting fps_override to "1" but some mods may not behave properly.

-Added support for binding the multiply key on the numeric keypad, the engine bind name for this new key is "kp_mul".

-Added support for binding Windows key, key name "win". Be careful binding this key, your OS may also act on presses from it.

-Made keypad enter key activate an item when pressed in the server browser.

-Made the "timerefresh" command require sv_cheats be set for its use. This command is for developer profiling and shouldn't be generally used.

-Extended hud_fastswitch options. 0 means no fast switch, 1 means switch on both number keys and mouse wheel, 2 means on do fast switch when using number keys.

-Added listing of games from the cstrike_downloads folder in the New Game dialog.

-Added "speak_enabled" cvar, if set to 0 then the "spk" and "speak" commands are disabled.

-Added "edicts" option to liblist.gam file, for use in mods that want more than 900 entities in their maps.

-Increased supported entity count in Counter-Strike 1.6 to 1800.

-Improved HTTP download performance.

-Improved movement when running at more than 100fps.

-Removed now unused sv_voicecodec and sv_voicequality cvars.

-Renamed gl_ztrick cvar to gl_ztrick_old, usage of this cvar is deprecated and caused rendering issues.

Poprawione Błędy

-Fixed cl_minmodels not applying after being on a server for a while.

-Fixed left shift key presses not detecting properly.

-Fixed viewdemo command causing a crash.

-Fixed load dialog in viewdemo command not actually loading the demo.

-Fixed Player List dialog not allowing you to mute a player.

-Fixed crash on restart if you had the serverbrowser active.

-Fixed mouse cursor sometimes not appearing when using the spectator UI.

-Fixed double entries in the sprays list pulldown under options.

-Fixed crash if Windows OS level DEP setting was turned on for all programs and you.

-ran in software mode.

-Fixed spectator UI being truncated when running in higher resolutions.

-Fixed downloading of content from servers via HTTP, both if you got a 404 error on one of the links or the file was in the base download folder.

-Fixed some commands writing config files to a bad path.

-Fixed corruption of text input when hitting backspace while composing a message.

-Fixed mouse clicks sometimes being lost.

Wyszła także mała aktualizacja do CS:GO, która zmienia recoil i uszkodzenia w pistoletach. Może tym razem uda się osiągnąć równowagę.


[Obrazek: 1382797434-U945952.png]
Jeżeli macie jakiś problem, śmiało piszcie do mnie na PW postaram się jak najszybciej odpowiedzieć.Nie odpowiadam w sprawach zleceń graficznych itp.

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13.10.2014 12:29
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